Scuppernong Workday & Outreach Event!

Saturday May 11th

Scuppernong River Workday and Outreach Event 9am-Noon


SEWTU will be continuing our work on the Scuppernong River (not creek).  After a meeting with the DNR last week it was determined that this workday's work will be primarily installing biologs. That means moving biologs to the correct location in the stream and staking them down using sledge hammers. We will be working between the river gauge bridge downstream to the next bridge. Back filling with brush will take place at the December 2019 River workday when mechanize equipment can be use to stage pre-cut brush. We need a couple members to take pictures and help run tools and run water from the staging site to the work site. Workers should bring waders, safety glasses, and work gloves.


Fly Casting/Tying Outreach Opportunity
SEWTU has an exciting opportunity for educational outreach.  During our May 11th workday at the Scuppernong River, there will be an OutWIGo Girls event occurring just across the street in the Ottawa campground/rec area. Our members have been invited to demonstrate/teach fly casting, fly tying, and explain some of the habitat work that has been done at Scuppernong Creek. We are looking for several members interested working at a station to explain/demonstrate the following:
  • Basic casting techniques
  • Basic fly tying demonstration
  • Explain habitat work
  • Hike to the river and view the stream restoration work. 
This would happen during our scheduled work day, and is a great way for members to participate in the workday without installing bio-logs!   If you are interested, contact Andy Avgoulas at

The Scuppernong River is located in the southern unit of the Kettle Morraine State Forest.The workday will start at 9:00 am and continue until noon with our traditional brat  fry lunch to follow.


Parking will be at the Scuppernong Springs Nature Trail parking lot across from the Ottawa Lake Campground on Highway ZZ west of Highway 67. 

RSVP Ken Rizzo at:
or call 262-569-1402.