Bluff Creek Winter Workday
On February 17, 2007, a crew of nearly 20 SEWTU and Wisconsin Department of Resources volunteers and employees turned out, despite artic temperatures, to perform brush work at Bluff Creek. A long running project, Bluff Creek is located in southcentral Wisconsin, and is one of the few cold water streams in its region.
Bluff Creek has been the subject of several workdays in the past. Most recently, SEWTU volunteers removed an obstruction downstream of the Highway P overpass. At this workday, SEWTU workers split up into two crews, led by representatives and members of the WDNR, and performed brush removal work further downstream from the Highway P overpass, off of Hi-Lo Road. Although weather prevented the installation of fish structures, a good stretch of stream bank was cleared of a significant amount of brush and overgrowth which had been encroaching on the stream. The cut timber was piled to create rabbit and other game nearby the stream.
At the conclusion of the workday, SEWTU volunteers enjoyed a provided chilli and bratwurst lunch. All in all, this was a successful workday, and a fine chance for SEWTU members to see the positive impact that prior work has had upon the stream. Moreover, this was an incredible workday, drawing members from all across southcentral and southeastern Wisconsin, despite less-than-ideal conditions. In the end, this workday shows the huge potential of SEWTU volunteerism, and our commitment to the resource.