Milwaukee River Cleanup Workday

On Saturday, Apri 18, 2009, approximately 40 SEWTU-coordinated volunteers turned out at Estabrook Park, in Milwaukee, at the UWM Park and Ride, to clean up that stretch of river.  The event, coordinated by Milwaukee Riverkeeper, was part of the 2009 Earth Day festivities held in the greater Milwaukee metropolitan region.   SEWTU's station was one of numerous river clean up locations, involving hundreds of volunteers, which removed tons of trash from our streams. 


Members working found a great variety of interesting treasures, including most notably a full toilet!  (See the pictures section associated with this event!)  In short, it was an interesting day! 


This workday was important because the Milwaukee River is one of our Chapter's important home waters, and one which many of our members regularly fish for all manners of species.  Led by Chapter Political Liaison John Knitter, SEWTU had a great turnout, cleaned up a good stretch of the Milwaukee River, and gave back to one of our prized local resources.