Genesee Creek Workday
On Saturday, January 26, 2008, over 40 volunteers and friends from SEWTU and the Gary Borger Chapter of TU out of northern Illinois, and representatives of the Aldo Leopold Chapter of TU and Carroll College, returned once again to Genesee Creek for a riparian and stream corridor maintenance workday. Carroll College Professor and SEWTU Board of Directors Member Jason Freund led this workday. As always, SEWTU thanks not only Jason and Carroll College, but all other chapters and volunteers who kicked in to make our workday a success.
As most know, Genesee Creek was the site of an SEWTU-involved roller mill dam removal in 2004-2005. Since that time, the stream stream has significantly improved in both its flow, water quality, and carrying capacity. SEWTU has undertaken numerous workdays at the site, and has been part and parcel to the stream's improvements.
During this workday, volunteers worked downstream of the original dam location, removing massive amounts of buckthorn and other invasive vegetation that had essentially taken over the forest understory surrounding the stream. As a result, the riparian area was significantly opened, and should allow a greater amount of sunlight into the stream. One additional and fortuitious impact is that casting should be significantly easier as well!
At the conclusion of the workday, a bratwurst dinner was provided to volunteers, as always, and a volunteers had a great time interacting with one another and Carroll College volunteers. Best of all, SEWTU President Dan Asmus provided an incredible pot of chicken wild rice soup and bread.
SEWTU continues it restoration efforts,and looks forward to continuing to work with Carroll College in order to be a significant part of Genesee Creek's revival.