Nic Schmidt Project

On September 6, 2008, over 50 volunteers from Boy Scout Troop 49, SEWTU, and the Wisconsin Departmnet of Natural Resources gathered at Nichols Creek to work on the Nic Schmidt Eagle Scout Project.  This effort, a collaberative project led by Nic Schmidt as his Eagle Scout Project, featured the installation of three "K-Dams" made of downed timber, one rock vortex weir, and the construction of a new foot bridge across Nichols Creek. 


In conjunction with John Nelson and Tanya Meyer of the Wisconsin DNR, and under Nic's leadership, volunteers constructed the K-Dams and  rock weirs, and built the aforementioned foot bridge.  Additionally, John Knitter and Dr. Herb Oechler of SETWU provided stream ecology instruction and water quality monitoring demonstrations to interested Scouts and thier parents.


The day started with an introductory talk by Nic Schmidt and John Nelson, and concluded with a free, bratwurst and hot dog lunch cooked by John Knitter, and fresh cold melon-based fruit provided by SETWU President  Dan Asmus. 


The day was a smashing success in that the above menitoned structures were installed in an area of Nichols Creek which had previously been ditched -- likely as a result of poor agricultural practices -- and which had become shallow, wide, and which contained no structure to provide protection to native trout.  At the conclusion of the workday, 4 exceptional pools had been created which will provide overhead cover for trout and other species.  In additoin, exscape logs were installed, in order to allow other species to enter and exit the created pools (such as turtles and frogs). 


SETWU is proud to have aided Nic Schmidt with his Eagle Scout Project, and wishes him the best in the future, and hopes to see him and other Scouts at future SEWTU workdays and events.